Insurance Is a Necessary Evil And You’re Making It Boring!

Insurance Is a Necessary Evil And You’re Making It Boring!

Here’s how to make your clients beg for protection


By KN Gorjux

25 Sep 2024

Funny Einstein feeling safe with the helmet.

Insurance isn’t the kind of thing that gets people excited.

Most view it as a necessary evil, something they have to endure rather than something they actively want.

But what if you could change that?

What if you could make insurance something people not only need but also desire?

Change the narrative

The insurance are sold using the negative emotions: fear and terror.

This isn’t the best approach and worst of everything mark the insurance as something negative.

Selling insurance isn’t like selling an iPhone or new gadget, but something can be changed.

What if you make your customer desire for the insurance?

The emotion tu use here is to feel smarter than the neighbour.

Super Insurance. Feel protected and invincible

Look, people love feeling smart, prepared, and protected. And if you can make them feel like buying insurance is the smartest thing they can do to protect their future, they’ll start to see it as essential almost like the latest tech gadget they can’t live without.

The key is to tell stories that show real life scenarios.

Telle the story about Charlie that is able to sleep like a baby before his next trip in Asia because he knows that his insurance is taking care of him…

Because he knows that if something goes wrong, all what he needs is a phone call and all the problem will be sort out.

You’re not selling fear, you’re selling peace of mind. And you do that by showing people how their lives could improve, or avoid disaster thanks to the protection they have in place.

Marketing for your insurance product

People want to feel smart and prepared.

They want to believe they’re doing what others aren’t thinking ahead, being proactive. If you can get them to feel that way about insurance, it won’t just be a necessity, it’ll be something they actually want.

You’ve got to shift the focus from fear to freedom.

No one wants to feel like they’re being forced into something because of a worst case scenario. But everyone loves the idea of living life more freely, without worry, because they’re covered.

You’re not selling: “What if something bad happens?”

You’re selling “Imagine not having to worry about anything because you’re prepared for everything.”

Make them feel good about their decision.

People love feeling smart and in control. If you can make them feel like buying insurance is a wise, proactive decision that’s going to make their lives easier and better, they’ll be way more likely to buy it.

Poisition your insurance brand

You must personalise! It’s impossible to sell generic policies. You must tailor your messaging to their specific needs and lives.

If you are positione and you offer is focused a premium service you can win your competitors.

Super Insurance is sleeping like a baby


Insurance often feels like a necessary evil—boring and uninspiring. But it doesn’t have to be. Imagine selling insurance like luxury cars or the latest tech gadgets, turning it into a status symbol or a smart decision that makes people feel secure and in control.

  • Narrow Your Market: Your brand must change the narrative and be specific, don’t try to sell to everyone.
  • Sell Smart, Not Fear: Position insurance as a smart choice, not just a safeguard.
  • Use Relatable Stories: Highlight real-life scenarios where insurance made a significant impact.
  • Focus on Freedom: Shift from “What if something bad happens?” to “Imagine living worry-free.”
  • Personalize Your Approach: Tailor your message to specific needs to show the real value.
  • Address Competitor Weaknesses: Differentiate by resolving the pain points that competitors fail to address.

Remember: change the narrative, and you change the game.

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